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How Can I Treat Eczema Without Steroids?

Eczema is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that affects many people worldwide by causing their skin to become inflamed with a rash that can be incredibly itchy. Typically steroids are prescribed as a common treatment option for managing your eczema symptoms, but many people nowadays are searching for alternative methods without the side effects steroids can give after long-term use. So, what are some alternatives to steroids for eczema?

One common treatment alternative is the use of moisturisers. Well-hydrated skin is a key aspect in managing the rash and itchiness eczema can cause. By regularly applying moisturisers that are suitable for sensitive skin, E45 is highly recommended, you will find the itchiness is reduced. You should be able to find these moisturisers in pharmacies and supermarkets across the United Kingdom, meaning they are readily available, allowing you to ease your symptoms quickly following any severity of eczema flare-up.

An alternative treatment option for eczema is light therapy or phototherapy. This treatment process entails exposing the affected areas to a controlled amount of natural or artificial UV (ultraviolet) light. People who use this treatment method can find that it reduces inflammation and itching which eczema can cause. Always speak to professionals before taking part in light therapy, as different strengths and types may be recommended based on the severity of your condition and your overall skin type.

Wet wrap therapy is another treatment alternative for easing eczema symptoms. As the name would suggest, you are wrapping the affected areas in a wet wrap. You begin by applying a thicker than normal layer of your moisturiser or medicated cream to the affected area, this is then wrapped with a damp bandage. Many people who use this treatment method have found the skin absorbs more of the moisturiser, helping to ease and provide relief from itching. It is important to note, that this treatment method should only be done with medical supervision as if not done correctly can cause more harm to the skin in the sense of skin infections.

A more unusual treatment option for eczema is counselling. Many people who have eczema find that more severe flare-ups occur during times in their lives that are high stress or high anxiety.

Taking part in different self-care remedies like yoga, meditation or attending counselling can help to drastically reduce the severity of your eczema flare-ups. Effectively a simple treatment method that does not include any products touching your skin, all about changing your mind and lifestyle to control your eczema and reduce the steroid treatment you need. 

It’s important to always remember that eczema is a skin condition, it is going to vary from person to person, even down to their location. What works for someone else amazingly may not help you at all. Always consult your doctor before starting any alternative treatment methods, they can offer the best recommendations to suit you and your severity of the skin condition. Don’t give up hope, there will be alternatives to steroids for eczema for you, it may just take some time to find the method that works amazingly for you.

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